easymetal Blog

In our blog, you will find informative articles on the topic of water in the workshop.
Learn more about the components of water, why they cause problems for us users and what we can do about them.
Read interesting articles about special solutions in water treatment.

Crime Scene Workshop Part 4

Control and monitoring of water quality

Control and monitoring of water quality

In order to avoid production downtimes or corrosion damage, continuous control and monitoring of the entire water treatment process is absolutely essential. This includes checking the filling water and process water on a regular basis as well as conducting regular inspections for possible contamination.

Did you know that a centralised water treatment solution can cover all areas of the production process and thus minimise time and costs


More about Prozess water

easymetal offers both decentralised and centralised solutions. A centralised EASYRO® reverse osmosis system is used to treat freshwater before it is further split.

Our small basic module EASYRO® 150 supplies up to 2,400 litres of treated water per day. With the pre-settable desired conductance value, the entire water network is already optimally supplied in advance.


More about Reverse osmosis

If an E.KO IONISER® needs to be connected for smoothing, the demineralised water can be purified to a conductance value of up to 0.1 µs.
In combination with our KORROSTOP4.0®, the water treatment system is also suitable for Industry 4.0.


More about Deionisation

With the KORROSTOP 4.0®, we are introducing a control instrument that represents a breakthrough for Industry 4.0 in the treatment of process water. This innovative measuring device guarantees continuous monitoring of the water quality and enables the data to be integrated into existing machine parameters using a wide range of communication channels.



Did you know that the EASYRO® reverse osmosis system is the optimum solution for use in automated cells?

A resin cartridge or ion exchange-based water softener is often used as a decentralised solution. A resin cartridge may be sufficient for smaller quantities, but an E.KO IONISER® or a reverse osmosis system is much more economical for larger quantities.

Water softeners are no longer in tune with the times.

Due to the high use of regenerating salts, they pollute the wastewater and thus the environment.

In contrast to a water softener, the EASYRO® reverse osmosis system is completely safe for the environment, requires far less maintenance and is a more stable method of treating water.

more about Environmental protection

The water softener does not remove any anions (chloride) or organic substances from the water. This means an increased risk of corrosion on the workpiece and machine.

Did you know that water softeners promote contamination if left unused for longer periods?

Do you have any questions on the topic? Contact us, we will be happy to advise you.